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Inaugural Gala

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's event.

Our launch of our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) was a huge success. 

Video by                                         Photos by Ed Johnson


Video of Gala

Inaugural Gala

Channel info

Video or Inaugural Gala

Nonprofits & Activism

ZANDER FEST, Concussion Awareness, UNTOLD Foundation, Brain Injury, Z20, Concussion, Keith Primeau, TBI, CTE, Craig Mitnick, Brad Quast, Health Literacy, Post Concussion Syndrome, Andrew Brandt, Metnal Health

Inaugural Gala

UNTOLD FINAL - Edited Version

Read more Inaugural Gala video presentation edited version.

Nonprofits & Activism

Brain Injury, CTE, Concussion, Concussion Awareness, Metnal Health, TBI, UNTOLD Foundation, Post Concussion Syndrome, Health Literacy, Z20, ZANDER FEST, Keith Primeau, Craig Mitnick, Brad Quast, Andrew Brandt


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